
Dean Lake, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Dean Lake is a 100 acre lake located in the north end of Grand Rapids, and is one of the most desirable residential lakes in West Michigan.  The lake contains bass, pike, tiger muskie, pan fish and is home to numerous wild water fowl in the summer months. There are approximately 100 homes on the lake, with 100% of the residents living year round.

The Dean Lake Association is dedicated to protect, preserve, and improve the water quality of Dean Lake and the associated watershed and wetlands by

  • Education of water quality, water safety, and riparian property owner rights.
  • Evaluation of data from the environmental consultant so that informed decisions can be made to protect and improve water quality.
  • Monitoring the Lake Management Program so that its activities maintain the quality of water safe for swimming and conducive to the renewal of fish resources.
  • Promotion of the Association membership drive and social events to unite the Dean Lake community.